Illness and disease are imbalances in the body, mind, or soul. To be completely healthy there must be a balance in all three aspects of a person. Most doctors today are only concerned with the physical result of disease and illness and only treat the symptoms. But there must be a reason the illness appeared in the first place. All illness and disease start in the soul. This may be hard to believe but this is the way it is. By the time the illness shows up in the physical body, it has been with you a long, long time. Maybe even before you were born, in a past life.
In the beginning our souls were perfect, without flaws because we came directly from God who is perfect. Over time we acquired negative traits such as hatred, jealousy, envy etc. These build up over the centuries and stay with us until we can get rid of them. Unfortunately this takes a very long time, centuries even. So we must continually work on perfecting our souls so that one day we can be reunited again in the Whole of Perfection which is God. Since God is perfect we cannot bring our imperfections into God, so we must become perfect first.
The big problem here is, how do we know when this illness started? How can we trace this illness back to it origins and get rid of it? Well, since this is a very hard thing to do, most of us are happy if we can just get rid of the symptoms. But the problem with this is if you don’t get to the source of the illness, it will manifest again in a different form, and will probably be worse than the first time if showed up. The physical body is a result of the soul and mind working together to produce it. The physical is the end result. So when an illness shows up in the physical, it has traveled down from the soul and through the mind first, and then into the physical as an illness or disease.
Different illnesses and diseases have certain metaphysical meanings and are associated with different parts of the body. To name just a few:
Cancer–or other abnormality in the liver is associated with deep anger and chronic fault finding with others or yourself. Hence, you have the phrase, “It’s eating at my liver.” Lungs–inability to take in life or being smothered.
Skin–being out of touch with ourselves or others or being too sensitive.
Heart–denying love to others and ourselves. Holding in negative emotions. If you want to discover what an illness or disease is trying to tell you about yourself, you must consider three things:
For instance: A person has skin cancer.
So you see, if you really want to get to the bottom of what an illness or disease is really trying to tell you, you must be a detective and do a lot of investigating! Don’t forget, of course to take care of the physical symptoms too. If you have cancer, get some type of treatment. Likewise, if you have an ulcer, get medication for it. All parts of the body must be considered in getting healthy, the body as well as the mind and soul. And conventional medicine offers many good medications and treatments. But it is always wise to use your mind and spirit in treating yourself too. Once you think you have discovered the root problem of the illness or disease then comes the hard work, doing something about it! You will need to be really honest with yourself when diagnosing yourself. This can be painful if you were not aware of the problem in the first place.
Some illnesses and diseases come from a past life and these can be really hard to figure out. You may need the help of a hypnotherapist to regress you into the past life in which this problem first appeared. But even if this illness or disease first appeared in a past life, if it is still here in your present life, then it is obvious that you haven’t dealt with it successfully and must meet it head on now, or it will continue to keep coming back time after time after time. If you have done the work I suggested and you still cannot come to any decision about why the illness or disease is with you, then you will need to seek out the advice of a holistic doctor (one who deals with the whole self), a therapist or counselor.
These people are trained in helping you figure out what your deepest problems are. I would suggest that when you are looking for a therapist, try to find one who does past life regressions. The main thing to remember about health is that it concerns the whole person, body mind and soul. All three aspects of a person are connected and these three parts of a human being cannot be separated.
In the beginning our souls were perfect, without flaws because we came directly from God who is perfect. Over time we acquired negative traits such as hatred, jealousy, envy etc. These build up over the centuries and stay with us until we can get rid of them. Unfortunately this takes a very long time, centuries even. So we must continually work on perfecting our souls so that one day we can be reunited again in the Whole of Perfection which is God. Since God is perfect we cannot bring our imperfections into God, so we must become perfect first.
The big problem here is, how do we know when this illness started? How can we trace this illness back to it origins and get rid of it? Well, since this is a very hard thing to do, most of us are happy if we can just get rid of the symptoms. But the problem with this is if you don’t get to the source of the illness, it will manifest again in a different form, and will probably be worse than the first time if showed up. The physical body is a result of the soul and mind working together to produce it. The physical is the end result. So when an illness shows up in the physical, it has traveled down from the soul and through the mind first, and then into the physical as an illness or disease.
Different illnesses and diseases have certain metaphysical meanings and are associated with different parts of the body. To name just a few:
Cancer–or other abnormality in the liver is associated with deep anger and chronic fault finding with others or yourself. Hence, you have the phrase, “It’s eating at my liver.” Lungs–inability to take in life or being smothered.
Skin–being out of touch with ourselves or others or being too sensitive.
Heart–denying love to others and ourselves. Holding in negative emotions. If you want to discover what an illness or disease is trying to tell you about yourself, you must consider three things:
- Where in the body is the illness or disease?
- What function does that part of the body have?
- What does this mean in relation to my life now?
For instance: A person has skin cancer.
- The disease is in the skin (#1).
- The skin performs the function of protecting the organs and is the largest sensory organ we have (#2).
- Do you need to be more protective of yourself? Are you being too sensitive? Are you being too inflexible? Are you out of touch with others or yourself? (#3)
- A person has an ulcer (#1)
- The stomach is used for storing and digesting food (#2).
- Are you hanging on to something that is no longer beneficial to you? Are you feeling guilty about something? Is it “eating away” at you? Are you having difficulty with absorbing new ideas? (#3).
So you see, if you really want to get to the bottom of what an illness or disease is really trying to tell you, you must be a detective and do a lot of investigating! Don’t forget, of course to take care of the physical symptoms too. If you have cancer, get some type of treatment. Likewise, if you have an ulcer, get medication for it. All parts of the body must be considered in getting healthy, the body as well as the mind and soul. And conventional medicine offers many good medications and treatments. But it is always wise to use your mind and spirit in treating yourself too. Once you think you have discovered the root problem of the illness or disease then comes the hard work, doing something about it! You will need to be really honest with yourself when diagnosing yourself. This can be painful if you were not aware of the problem in the first place.
Some illnesses and diseases come from a past life and these can be really hard to figure out. You may need the help of a hypnotherapist to regress you into the past life in which this problem first appeared. But even if this illness or disease first appeared in a past life, if it is still here in your present life, then it is obvious that you haven’t dealt with it successfully and must meet it head on now, or it will continue to keep coming back time after time after time. If you have done the work I suggested and you still cannot come to any decision about why the illness or disease is with you, then you will need to seek out the advice of a holistic doctor (one who deals with the whole self), a therapist or counselor.
These people are trained in helping you figure out what your deepest problems are. I would suggest that when you are looking for a therapist, try to find one who does past life regressions. The main thing to remember about health is that it concerns the whole person, body mind and soul. All three aspects of a person are connected and these three parts of a human being cannot be separated.